Throughout an animated short film, Monsieur MÂLÂ puts an end to its « Live In The Cube » chapter. Associated with a female voice-over, the video gives « Carnaval »’s outro a whole new level of attraction.
The rightness and depth of Giulia De Sia’s text rimes perfectly with the abysmal torpidity represented by the young director Iskandar Dchicha. Therefore, this artistic and transversal collaboration amplify and multiply the ‘living together’ anthem pronounced by Monsieur MÂLÂ in «Carnaval » 1st part.
Animation by Iskandar Dchicha
Words and reciting by Giulia De Sia
Music composed by Robin Antunes
Arranged and produced by Monsieur MÂLÂ
Throughout an animated short film, Monsieur MÂLÂ puts an end to its « Live In The Cube » chapter. Associated with a female voice-over, the video gives « Carnaval »’s outro a whole new level of attraction.
The rightness and depth of Giulia De Sia’s text rimes perfectly with the abysmal torpidity represented by the young director Iskandar Dchicha. Therefore, this artistic and transversal collaboration amplify and multiply the ‘living together’ anthem pronounced by Monsieur MÂLÂ in «Carnaval » 1st part.
Animation by Iskandar Dchicha
Words and reciting by Giulia De Sia
Music composed by Robin Antunes
Arranged and produced by Monsieur MÂLÂ